Cybercrime Investigation and Digital Forensics S2
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In view of recent global cyber-attack trends, it is increasingly crucial for IT professionals to promptly investigate cyber breaches using appropriate digital forensic procedures. Analysis conducted by the e-Crime Bureau has revealed the challenges faced by IT professionals in managing incidents and breaches within complex IT environments, including the integration of third-party applications, cloud computing, mobile devices, and the proliferation of remote work setups. The Cybercrime Investigation and Digital Forensics course offers a comprehensive exploration of the principles and methodologies essential for proficient cybercrime investigation and digital forensics practices. Participants gain an extensive understanding of key concepts, methodologies, and tools pivotal in this field, equipping them with the necessary expertise for a successful career. Commencing with an introductory module, the course elucidates fundamental terms, concepts, and the significant role of cybercrime investigation and digital forensics in the realm of combating cyber threats.
To address these emerging technology related challenges, the Bureau’s digital forensics experts will provide practical case studies, best practices, tools, and standard techniques in this lab-based training, aimed at ensuring IT environments are well-prepared for forensic investigations.
Thematic Areas:
S/N | Thematic Areas | S/N | Thematic Areas |
1. | Overview of cybercrime Investigation & Digital Forensics | 8. | Investigating Skype, Team Viewer, RDP & Zoom Activities. |
2. | Introduction to Computer Networks | 9. | Anti-Forensics Tools & Techniques |
3. | Digital Examination Processes, Tools & Techniques | 10. | Setting up Digital Forensics Laboratory |
4. | Introduction to Network Forensics & Incident Response. | 11. | Overview of Mobile Forensics Investigations. |
5. | Extracting & Analysing Evidence from the computer Memory | 12. | Forensics Readiness, Ethical & Legal Consideration |
6. | Extracting & Analysing user Generated Activities (Web browser Analysis & Web Attacks, Emails, USB | 13. | Hands-On Sessions/ Case Studies |
7. | Log Analysis Using Open Source/Commercial Forensic Tools |
Target Audience:
IT Managers/Technical Officers, Forensic Investigators, CISO’s, Forensic Auditors, Risk Managers/Analysts, Security Managers, and Professionals Interested in Cybercrime Prevention Detection.
Training Schedule:
Date: Monday, May 13th– Friday, May 17th, 2024
Mode of Delivery: In-person
Cost: GHS 2,750.00
Couse Objectives:
- Understand the principles of intelligence-led security operations and their application in various security contexts.
- Develop proficiency in conducting comprehensive risk assessments across different environments and sectors.
- Acquire skills in gathering actionable intelligence through Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Human Intelligence (HUMINT) methodologies.
- Gain practical knowledge of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques into intelligence gathering processes for enhanced decision-making.
- Learn strategies to effectively counter potential cyberthreats targeting Critical Information Infrastructures (CII), critical security installations, public spaces, organisations, and nation-states.
- Explore the utilisation of intelligence-led approaches to enhance overall security measures and mitigate security risks.
Understand the legal and ethical considerations inherent in cybercrime intelligence operations