Certificate in Cyber Security (CCS) S4
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The risk and severity of cyber-attacks have escalated in recent years, driven by the continuous evolution of technology. Ongoing technological advancements and services continually expose cyber vulnerabilities, highlighting the unpreparedness of organisations to address these threats. According to the World Economic Forum, cyber-attacks rank among the top three threats to global stability. As cyber-attacks become increasingly sophisticated and prevalent, there is a significant surge in demand for cybersecurity professionals.
The Certificate in Cyber Security Training is designed to empower participants with insights into emerging trends in cybercrime, the intricacies of the cybersecurity domain, and the far-reaching impact of cybersecurity threats on individuals, institutions and national security. The course delves into various countermeasures aimed at securing data, offering practical precautions for organisations to mitigate losses and fortify their IT environments. Additionally, participants will be introduced to cyber security governance mechanisms and industry best practices.
S/N | Thematic Areas | S/N | Thematic Areas |
1. | Overview of Cybercrime & Introduction to Cyber Security | 6. | Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity. |
2. | Cryptography in Information Systems | 7. | Cyber Forensics & Incident Response |
3. | Cryptography in Information Systems | 8. | Cyber Governance, Risk & Compliance (ISO 27001, NIST, Cybersecurity Act-Act 1038) |
4. | Cyber Attacks & Defense Strategies (Network, System & Human Vulnerabilities) | 9. | Cyber Security Lab Sessions |
5. | Cyber Threat Intelligence |
Target Audience:
Law Enforcement, Entry-Level IT Security Officers, Risk & Compliance Officers and Graduates/Students of Tertiary Universities, and Employees interested in building knowledge in cyber security.
Date 3: Monday, October 7th – Friday, October 11th, 2024
Mode of Delivery: In-person
Cost: GHS 2,750.00
The main objectives
- To provide participants with the knowledge to establish the nexus between cyber criminality and other transnational crimes
- To equip participants to identify the various forms of cyber-attacks and attack methodologies used by cybercriminals
- To provide practical methods to foster a proactive cyber security management culture of institutions
- To ensure that organisations have the relevant professional skills to develop comprehensive cyber security programmes for institutions to deal with the short, medium and long term cyber risks
- To provide the requisite tools to evaluate and manage the security of IT systems
- To understand cyber security risk management and governance structures and the role of employees and departments in reducing cyber risks.